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Common Problems with Zeon Zoysia Grass and How to Fix Them

Zeon Zoysia grass is a popular choice for lawns and landscaping due to its beautiful appearance and durability. However, like any other type of grass, it can encounter problems that may impact its health and appearance.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most common problems with Zeon Zoysia grass and how to fix them. 

How to Deal with Common Zeon Zoysia Grass Problems?

Poor Soil Quality

One of the most common problems with zeon zoysia grass is poor soil quality. Zoysia grass requires well-draining soil that is rich in nutrients. If your solid is compacted, sandy, or nutrient-deficient, your grass may struggle to grow and thrive. To fix this problem, you can amend your soil with organic matter, such as compost or aged manure. These materials will improve the soil structure and add vital nutrients to support the growth of your zoysia grass. 


Overwatering is another frequent problem that can affect Zeon Zoysia grass. This grass requires moderate watering, and excessive water can lead to root rot and other issues. To fix this problem, make sure to water your lawn deeply but infrequently. Aim to water your grass to a depth of around 6 inches and allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering again. Additionally, you can install a rain gauge to monitor how much water your lawn receives naturally and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. 

Insect Damage

Insects can also pose problems for zeon zoysia grass, particularly chinch bugs, which can cause severe damage to lawns. These pests can be controlled with insecticides, but it is essential to use them sparingly and only as directed to avoid harming beneficial insects and other organisms. To prevent insect damage, you can also maintain a healthy lawn by providing adequate nutrients, water, and sunlight, as healthy grass is better equipped to resist pest damage. 


Zeon Zoysia grass is susceptible to certain diseases, such as dollar spots, rust, and brown patches. These diseases can cause discoloration, thinning, and other problems with your grass. To fix this problem, you should promptly remove any diseased or dead grass and adjust your lawn care practices to prevent further damage or learn how to care for Zeon Zoysia grass. Additionally, you can also use fungicides to treat diseases, but again, it is essential to use them sparingly and as directed. 


"Zeon Zoysia grass is susceptible to certain diseases, such as dollar spots, rust, and brown patches, which can cause discoloration, thinning, and other issues with your grass. To address this problem, promptly remove any diseased or dead grass and adjust your lawn care practices to prevent further damage or learn how to care for Zeon Zoysia grass. Additionally, you can use fungicides to treat diseases, but it's important to use them sparingly and as directed."


Improper Mowing

Mowing your Zeon Zoysia grass too low can cause stress and damage to the grass, leading to brown spots and other issues. It is essential to mow your grass at the proper height and frequency to maintain its health and appearance. The recommended mowing height for zoysia grass is around 1-2 inches, and you should aim to mow your lawn frequently enough to remove no more than one-third of the blade height at a time. 

Soil Compaction

If the soil is compacted, the roots of the Zeon Zoysia grass won’t be able to grow properly, leading to stunted growth and discoloration. You can fix this by aerating the soil and adding organic matter like compost to help loosen it up and improve drainage. 


While Zeon Zoysia grass requires fertilizer to thrive, over-fertilization can lead to problems like thatch buildup, burned grass, and reduced root growth. Make sure to follow recommended fertilization schedules and avoid applying too much fertilizer at once. 

Winter Damage

While Zeon Zoysia grass is cold-tolerant, it can still suffer damage during harsh winters. Winter damage can cause discoloration, thinning, and even death of the grass. To prevent winter damage, make sure to avoid over-fertilization in the fall and avoid walking on frozen grass. 

Zeon Zoysia grass is an excellent choice for lawns and landscaping due to its beauty and durability. However, it can encounter problems like the ones mentioned above, by following the tips outlined in the blog, you can help prevent and address these problems and keep your zoysia grass looking healthy and vibrant. 

It is also especially important to ensure you get quality zeon zoysia sod when installing the Zoysia grass. At Atlanta Sod Farms, we carefully select and cultivate our sod to ensure it is healthy, disease-free, and ready to thrive on property. For more information, call us at (404) 631-7610 you may visit our website. 

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