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How To Care and Maintain New Sod

Taking care of your lawn is a common hobby for homeowners across the country. Understanding when to water, how to mow your lawn correctly, and even when it's time to refresh your lawn with new sod type is part of the package. If you've recently laid down a new sod on your property, there are some essential care tips you should keep in mind.
First and foremost, remember that new sod is a living plant, and like any living thing, it has a limited shelf life. So, once you purchase it, try to install it as soon as possible. If you're not hiring a professional lawn care company, our guide can provide you with some valuable insights to give your new sod the best chance at thriving.

For those seeking advice on how to care for new sod maintenance, we've got a few suggestions that will assist you in cultivating a healthy, lush, green lawn.

SOD Maintenance Care Cheat Sheet








Other practices

0-7 days

3x a day





Avoid walking on lawn

8-13 days

Once a day





Avoid walking on lawn

14-21 days

3x a week

Cut highest setting

Before mowing




22+ days

2x - 3x a week

Cut highest setting

Before mowing




Regular Maintenance (Yearly)

Apply Fertilizer

First application






Caring for your new sod is essential to ensure it thrives and transforms your outdoor space into a lush, green lawn. Proper care during the crucial early stages can make all the difference. Here's a detailed guide on how to maintain your sod in a way that guarantees a healthy, vibrant lawn:


First 7 Days

  • New sod is like a delicate plant; install it as soon as possible after purchase.

  • Watering is crucial during this time. In the first week, aim to water at least three times a day – morning, afternoon, and early evening.

  • Ensure the water reaches the soil beneath the sod. Test this by poking a spike or screwdriver into the soil to check for penetration.

  • Avoid overwatering, as it can prevent the roots from growing deep into the soil. Give the sod a good soak rather than constant light sprinkling.

  • Minimize foot traffic on the new sod while the root system establishes itself.


7-13 Days

  • By this time, the root system should be establishing itself. You can gently pull back a corner of the sod in several places to check.

  • Reduce watering to once a day in the morning, ensuring water penetrates the soil under the sod.

  • If the sod lifts easily, it may indicate overwatering, especially if it's still lush green. If parts are yellowing, they may need more water or special attention for shaded areas.

  • Contact a professional if the sod isn't rooting properly for expert advice and solutions.


14-21 Days

  • Assuming your sod is well-rooted, you can reduce watering to every other day.

  • It's now safe to mow the lawn. Pull up any weeds before mowing and set your mower blade at the highest setting. Avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass length.

  • Maintain your lawn at a height of around 2 ½”-3”.

  • Remove all grass clippings to prevent thatch buildup and ensure sunlight reaches the new sod.


Regular Monthly Sod Maintenance

  • Your lawn should be fairly established at this point and can handle normal wear and tear.

  • Water your lawn 2-3 times a week, adjusting as needed based on weather conditions.

  • If you notice patchy areas, consider topdressing, fertilizing, and seeding, but be cautious not to overdo the topdressing to avoid blocking sunlight.


Yearly Maintenance

  • The first winter can be challenging for your new sod, resulting in yellowing and burning. Proper watering during installation is essential for adequate sod maintenance and helps it bounce back.

  • In the first few years, monitor for weed growth and address as needed. If your lawn is yellow with dead grass, consider dethatching, aerating, topdressing, seeding, and fertilizing.

  • Regular yearly maintenance is crucial for the long-term health of your lawn.

  • Always keep a close eye on your new sod during the initial weeks and address any concerns promptly. It's easier to tackle issues sooner rather than later, ensuring your lawn flourishes and remains healthy for years to come. Additionally, learn how to maintain an established Zeon Zoysia grass lawn for long-term health and vitality.


Final Thoughts

Atlanta Sod Farms stands out as a valuable resource for all your new sod maintenance and care needs. With their expertise in providing premium quality types of sod grass, you have a strong foundation to start with. 

Whether you're in the crucial early stages of establishing your lawn or need guidance on regular maintenance, Atlanta Sod Farms offers valuable insights and solutions.

With their guidance, you can navigate the critical first weeks of watering and nurturing your new sod to ensure a healthy and thriving lawn. Moreover, their expertise extends to regular monthly and yearly maintenance, ensuring your lawn remains lush and vibrant for years to come.

By choosing Atlanta Sod Farms, you not only invest in high-quality sod but also gain access to a wealth of knowledge and support that can help you achieve the lawn of your dreams. Their commitment to excellence in sod and customer care makes them an invaluable partner in your journey to create and maintain a beautiful, green outdoor space.



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